Lowercase “His Nickname Is Richard But His Friends Call Him _” Greg (He/Him)

Class Level Player Name Race Alignment
Rogue 1 Tony (He/Him) Halfling Chaotic Neutral

Height Weight Age Gender Orientation
3' 59 lbs. 23 Cis Male All Of The Above

Strength ★Dexterity★ Constitution ★Intelligence★ Wisdom Charisma
+1 +3 +0 +1 -1 +3
13 16 10 12 8 16

Inspiration Proficiency Bonus Armor Class Initiative Speed
0 +2 13 +3 25 ft.

Passive Wis (Perception) Passive Int (Investigation) Passive Wis (Insight) Darkvision
13 13 9 --

Acrobatics (Dex) Animal Handing (Wis) Arcana (Int) Athletics (Str) ★Deception (Cha)★ History (Int) Insight (Wis) Intimidation (Cha) ★Investigation (Int)★
+3 -1 +1 +1 +7 +1 -1 +3 +3
Medicine (Wis) Nature (Int) ★Perception (Wis)★ Performance (Cha) ★Persuasion (Cha)★ Religion (Int) ★Sleight of Hand (Dex)★ ★Stealth (Dex)★ Survival (Wis)
-1 +1 +3 +3 +5 +1 +5 +5 -1

Hit Point Max Current Hit Points Temporary Hit Points
8 8 --

Armor Proficiencies Weapons Proficiencies Tools Proficiencies Languages
Light Armor Crossbow (Hand), Longsword, Rapier, Shortsword, Simple Weapons Dice Set, Disguise Kit, Thieves’ Tools Common, Halfling, Thieves Cant